Recovery Code X is a Community Interest Company (CIC) set up to improve the lives of people with mild to moderate symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Complex PTSD) – also known as complex trauma.


Our History

The organisation was founded in 2019 by women with direct experience of the psycho-social debilitating effects of complex trauma caused by childhood abuse and neglect, sexual exploitation and domestic violence. They survived an era in which ignorance of Complex PTSD prevailed at all levels of society, before the seminal work of Judith Herman M.D. and others determined the need for a new diagnosis. Their own experiences of hardship and suffering, of being misunderstood and misdiagnosed, exiled and abandoned, forged a desire to help others.

Those who found their way to life-transforming healing tended to adopt a holistic route, using a combination of talking therapies, peer support groups, complementary therapies and healthy lifestyle choices.


This is the reason that a holistic approach is enshrined at the very core of Recovery Code X. Our experience demonstrates that healing requires a mix of appropriate knowledge, guidance and therapies, and tends to happen incrementally, in small steps.

A Three Year Plan

No matter how challenging the circumstances, you are worth it, and we are here to support your healing journey.

Recovery Code X is working towards becoming a hub of clinical expertise and complementary therapies for Complex PTSD. We offer a safe and welcoming place where we:


  • Provide counselling, peer support and holistic complementary therapies for Complex PTSD.
  • Run educational workshops, courses and talks.
  • Provide advocacy on Complex PTSD, its prevention, causes, symptoms, healing and recovery modalities.
  • Promote the health and wellbeing of Bedfordshire’s residents.

Recovery Code X - solving the mystery of Complex PTSD and paving new ways to healing.


Our Vision

Our vision is of a trauma-informed society where holistic healing methods are available to all survivors of prolonged abuse whether experienced in childhood or adulthood.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and empower people who have experienced repetitive, ongoing abuse and trauma to discover the key that will unlock their unique path to recovery.  We aim to provide a safe environment and the tools to support everyone's journey to wholeness and harmony in mind, body and soul.

Our Philosophy

Everyone has a right to good health and happiness.

Everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of income,

disability, age,  gender,  race or religious belief.

We are each born with a unique purpose to fulfil, gifts to share, a dream to live.

We have a right to live in alignment with our soul’s purpose.

Our challenges do not define us; they refine and make us who we are today.

We all have an innate capacity to heal.

It’s never too late to begin the journey to wholeness.

Self-expression in a safe environment builds confidence, self-esteem and resilience.

Compassion is balm to the soul.

Love overrides trauma.

Wounds can heal.

A better life is possible.


Meet the Recovery Code X Team on our External link opens in new tab or windownew page here.


We would like to thank all our supporters, donors and sponsors for helping us to make a difference.